Happy Birthday Mrs. Kennedy
I was fortunate to be with her for four years–from November 1960 to November 1964. As I wrote in my 2012 book Mrs. Kennedy and Me, at first, being a Secret Service agent on the First Lady’s Detail was the last place I wanted to be. It was like being on the second team. I wanted to be where the action was–and that had always been with the president. As it turned out, I had the best assignment of all.
As one of just two agents assigned to her protection, I was with her constantly, and we developed a close relationship. She trusted me, and I had the utmost admiration and respect for her. We had some wonderful times together. Yes, some unimaginably sad times, too. But today, I’m thinking about her infectious laugh, her bawdy sense of humor, and what a privilege it was to know her.
Happy Birthday, Mrs. Kennedy.
[caption id="attachment_5931" align="aligncenter" width="560"] Lee Radziwill, Jackie Kennedy, and Clint Hill in Morocco, 1963.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_5932" align="aligncenter" width="600"]
Mrs. Kennedy thought it was hilarious that we were about to capsize. Amalfi Coast, Italy, 1962.[/caption]]]>
Thank you for sharing your work and your relationship with the Kennedy family as well as your work with The Five President’s. I enjoyed reading Mrs. Kennedy and Me so much. Your books were a great view of our leaders and their families. I long for the days when professionalism was a given. Thank you, Karen
She was icon for the nation.
Dear Mr. Hill,
I had a feeling you would be reliving all of your happy times with Mrs. Kennedy, on this her birthday.
Memories keep us stable, especially extrodarinary times when you think, “ Is this really happening to ME? Could I actually be this lucky?”
Your thoughts, insight, courage, and your professional career have given me hours of loving respect to a man I seemed to know already.
I have read each book over and over, each time with the same pleasure as the first time.
I met you at the News Museum, the summer of 2014. You signed my Mrs. Kennedy book and an Andrews Air Force Base shirt.(I stayed in Navy housing there with my son in law and family).
You were so polite, gently taking my hand and holding it ,as if I were famous, for our pictures. Thank you sir for allowing us to glimpse inside the Secret Service and most of all the life of Mrs. Kennedy.
I am honored to read all of your memories.
Sincerely Blessings,
Dear Mr Hill,
With every respect I write to thank you for all you have accomplished in your life.
I have just finished reading, “My Travels with Mrs. Kennedy”! What a remarkable and well written book. I always admired Mrs. Kennedy since I was in the fifth grade. Read many items and articles about her but still wondered and wanted to meet her more deeply. Yes, I as many found her fascinating and my favorite First Lady. After reading your jewel of a book, ” What was Jackie Kennedy Really Like.” … “Well, now I know.”
Your Interesting and intriguing rapport with Mrs. Kennedy was a gift from God!
Again, thank you and all the very best to you, your wife and family.
With sincerity,
Julie Banas Grady