Lisa McCubbin.
- Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford – paperback
- Five Days in November – paperback
- Mrs. Kennedy and Me – paperback
Complete set: $75.00 includes tax and shipping*

Due to the current high demand for autographed books, there may be a delay in processing. Books will be processed as quickly as possible. Please include email info on all correspondence.
Note that all three titles are completely sold out in hardcover. Updated 02/05/20.
To Order Autographed Books
Click here:
Clint Hill Autographed Books
Please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.
*U.S. addresses only
About the Authors
Clint Hill is best known as the Secret Service agent who jumped on the back of the presidential limousine in Dallas, Texas on 11/22/63 in an effort to save President John F. Kennedy from assassination. His first-hand account of the assassination of JFK is an important piece of history–that could only be told by someone who was there. Clint Hill is credited with saving First Lady Jackie Kennedy’s life. His poignant memoir,
Mrs. Kennedy and Me, was a #1
New York Times bestseller.
Lisa McCubbin is an award-winning journalist and co-author of Clint Hill’s critically acclaimed books.
Can I order just one book or do I need to order all three?
This offer is only for the complete set of three books.
Can I order more than one set?
Yes, you may order as many complete sets as you want.
Will Clint Hill personalize the books?
Yes, Clint Hill will personally inscribe the books as you request.
Your question not answered here?
Send an email to Lisa McCubbin:
Hi there. Would it be possible to ship Mr Hills 3 book autographed package to Scotland in the U.K.?? I will be happy to cover cost of shipping. Regards. Frank Rafters. Will provide details on your reply. Thank you.
Unfortunately, we cannot ship outside the U.S. The cost is prohibitive. As an alternative, we can send signed bookplates to insert in books you purchase from other booksellers.
Are you still offering the book plates? And what do they cost? I already have two of the Books-Five Presidents and Mrs Kennedy and Me. I am going to get the other one as well.
Hi Cindy
Book plates are available. Please send your request to the same address for the books.
$5.00 each for book plates.
What is a book plate?
Basically a sticker customized with the book’s name that Clint Hill and Lisa McCubbin sign (and can personalize) so you can stick in the front cover of your book in lieu of having them sign the actual book.
Will there be hardcover books printed again?
Hi Marcia–unfortunately we have no more hardcovers in stock and the publisher is only printing paperbacks at this time.
If I order now can I get the autographed set by the end of March? A birthday gift for my son.
I just wish I could get in touch with Mr. Hill as my father worked security for air force one for almost 10 years. His name is also on the manifest for the flight to Dallas. We have tons of memorabilia…from letters from Jackie and the president thanking him for his service, invites to the white house, he also worked for President Johnson. He was on the flight home with our beloved president Kennedy and was on Air Force One when it tipped its wing flying over the funeral that day. Was just curious….
Hello… I can’t tell if this is Linda Ruberg Miller or Cindy Gentry as there are two names on the comment. Please email Lisa McCubbin at with information including your father’s name and we will pass it along to Mr. Hill.
Was just curious if you received my reply and the new note I sent plus the verification on who I was.
Do you have five presidents E book ?
Hi Tracy
Yes, Five Presidents and all of our other books are available as E-books from Amazon or Apple or wherever you download your books. We don’t have them from this website.
I don’t know if it has already been asked but are there any plans to republish your books is hardback? Thank you very much.
We have made the request to our publisher, Gallery Books–a division of Simon & Schuster. They published 2500 additional hardcovers of FIVE PRESIDENTS about a year ago and they are now completely sold out. It would help if you (and many others) send an email to Jennifer Bergstrom, publisher.: Thanks!
Dear Mr Hill, I would love to purchase the set of three books, but live in Australia. Would you be able to let me know how I can purchase these and total, including all costs in Australian Dollars please. I will await your reply. Kind regards Megan
Unfortunately, we cannot ship books to Australia and only accept payment in U.S. dollars. As an alternative, we can send signed bookplates for you to insert in your books purchased through other booksellers.
Hello ,
I am a resident in Western Canada .
What would be the cost to obtain signed bookplates ?
Thanks ..
Dwight Roll
Calgary Alberta Canada
Just send a pre-paid return envelope with your request to:
Clint Hill
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Dear Mr Hill. I would love to purchase the set of three books, autographed by you. Would you be able to let me know what payment method I could use , And all costs, including postage, in Australian dollars please. Kind regards Megan
Hi Megan
The best way to do this is to order through Book Passage in Corte Madera, CA. This is our local bookstore. You can pay with a credit card and they will ship internationally. Write your personalization requests in the comments section during checkout. We sign books every couple of weeks, so please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Thank you.
Clint you are the man
I have two hardback books I purchased. Can tgey be sent to Mr. Hill to be signed?
You may send your books to Mr. Hill with pre-paid return packaging. Please include instructions for inscriptions. Send to:
Clint Hill
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Dear Clint,
Don’t know if you remember me, but I met OUR President in May of ’63 when he invited me to the White House and, our family friend and your fellow Secret Service agent, Lynn Meredith joined me and my Mother in the Cabinet Room for that memorable meeting and chat. I went on to work for Jackie in the summer of ‘ 64 in the office she was given in the old EOB with Nancy and Pam, & then on to the RFK Senate staff in the summer of ’65 and each following summer, Christmas & Spring breaks, until I graduated from college and went full time in ’67. When we tragically lost him too, EMK asked me to join his staff and I was with him for the next 37 years. Married Bill Wilson, of the JFK Presidential Campaign staff, who negotiated the TV aspects of the Kennedy/Nixon Debates and handled the transition to the White House for radio and TV before going to work for NBC. He came back to do the TV for the RFK presidential campaign. I retired shortly before the Senator was diagnosed with the brain tumor, as his Senior Aide and Spokesperson for the Kennedy Family. I last saw you several years ago at the State Dept. event where you spoke and afterward I chatted with you and we had a big hug. Needless to say, you have my deep and most loyal admiration for all you did, and for the devotion you continue to show to the President, Jackie, Caroline and John. I know you’ll agree that we were blessed to know them and share so much history with them, even if there were times of devastating heartbreak. The inspiration they provided will never end. And in looking at my library of Kennedy books recently, I realized that somehow I missed getting your books! I want to correct that. Should I send a check to the Tiberon address? I see too that you sign books at your local book store. Should I go ahead and purchase them and ask that they be held for your signature there? It would mean more than words can say if I could have you inscribe them for me. As you know, the President’s 100th birthday is coming up this May 29th, and I will be speaking, along with Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, at the National Women’s Democratic Club about his impact and what he meant to us all. You know, that with the help of Robert Kennedy, President Kennedy DID save the world during the Cuban Missile Crisis. We found out 25 years later, at an anniversary gathering of those involved from Russia, Cuba, and the US, that the Cuban’s had tactical nuclear weapons that were indeed already armed and they didn’t need the permission of the Russians to fire them. Bob MacNamera said he “almost fell off my chair.” So if the President had given in to the pressure of the Joint Chiefs and the Senior Senators on the Senate Foreign Relation’s Committee to invade, we’d all be dead – – and so would the rest of the world. Ted Sorenson told me that the treaty obligations would have come into play, and the Russians would have fired when we fired back, and then NATO, etc. and we would have poisened the atmosphere of the entire planet. The President knew that the Joint Chiefs were going to cause an incident so they had an excuse to invade, and when RFK was sent to see the Russian Ambassador they thought they had about three hours left before that happened. Years later, Khrushchev’s son told Caroline that his father was under the same pressure from the Soviet military chomping at the bit to fight. Thankfully they worked out an agreement in the nick of time. And later Khrushchev had secretly invited the President to Moscow to begin to end the cold war way back then. So much good could have resulted. Our President did not live to comb gray hair as the Irish say, but yes he did save the world. He made the ultimate difference, and oh how we all miss him, and loved him, and still do. “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers”…and sisters. And Clint, you were there for him and Jackie every step of the way. Bless you. I send a Big Hug! – Melody P.S. You can go to my Facebook page and see the pix in the Cabinet Room or Google me for more info as “long time Kennedy Aide.”
That was a great post I’m sorry he didn’t reply, at least on the site.I have Sen Kennedy’s book though I always leaned to the right ( until recently)politically . I miss them…and saw President Kennedy once.I go by to pay my respects to the Senators when I visit my parents at Arlington National Cemetery.
Hi, Is this set of autographed books signed by Clint Hill still available for $95.00 ? Thanks
Yes, we still have some available.
Will u be doing another book tour?
I do not have plans for another book tour. But you never know.
Can I purchase a set of 3 audio books signed somewhere in the inner paper of it
can i purchase 3 audio book s
We do not sell the audio books. They are available through Audible and I believe on Amazon.
Is it possible to purchase the 3 books on audio and get them signed on the inner paper portion
Sorry, but audio books are not available to be autographed. This offer is only for the hardcover editions of the books. Audio books can be purchased from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Audible.
Thank you sir. I will also order the signed set too , Kindest regards Jim
are there still any complete autographed sets left
Yes we have autographed sets still available.
Do you still have autographed books available? Thank you.
Yes, we have autographed books available.
Mr. Hill, I would really enjoy setting up a phone interview with you for an online political commentary media outlet I manage, The Reform Report. It would be an absolute honor to set up an interview based on your time serving our U.S. Presidents. Please, let me know if this would be something you would be interested in. You can contact me directly at the email below, where we can exchange phone info privately. Thank You sir!
Please provide me with a website or other information about your media outlet. Also, I’d like your full name.
thank you. You may email information to Lisa McCubbin and she will get back to you.
Hi Mr. Hill,
Is this offer still available for purchase?
Thank you!
Hi Kasey – Yes, we still have a few available.
Can I still get the 3 books autographed?
Yes, sorry for the delay in responding. Only paperback Mrs. Kennedy are available. Hardcovers of the other two. Total $90.
Mr Hill and Ms McCubbin
Would you accept PayPal?
Dear Mr Hill,
Thank you for your service to our great country. Are there still autographed book sets left. If so I would love to purchase a set that I could pass along to my sons.
Happy Thanksgiving
any autographed sets still available? Please let me know and I will send a check.
Apologies for the delay in responding. We do have a few sets available with hardcover Five Presidents and Five Days and paperback Mrs. Kennedy and Me. Thanks!
Question- My daughter bought me 5 Days in Dallas fir Christmas- I was wondering if I could send the book to Mr Hill- could he sign it to me? I would gladly send the book and a SASE for its return. Thank you and Merry Christmas- Frank West- Wilmington, MA
Apologies for the delay in responding. We can send signed bookplates to insert into your books. Or, you are welcome to ship the books to Mr. Hill with SASE. Please make sure to get tracking info.
Is this still going? I would love to order a set for my anniversary next month.
Hi Anna – Sorry for the delay in responding – yes this is still going. Please note we only have paperbacks of Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
Mr. Hill,
I just finished reading all three of your books. Thank you for sharing your amazing and historical journey that were defining milestones in many of our lives. Having a first hand and more importantly an accurate account of some of the most historical events in our nation is priceless.
You’re an amazing man. Thank you for sharing you amazing past and thank you for all of your years of dedicated service to our country.
Mr Hill is this set still available? I would love to purchase one and can send a check out tomorrow. I already have the full set and read them again and again, but having an autographed copy would mean the world to me. Thank you so much for sharing your life story with the world. I hope to meet you in person one day if I ever have the oppertunity.
Hi Angie
The sets are available with hardcover copies of Five Presidents and Five Days in November plus paperback of Mrs. Kennedy and Me. The total cost is $90.00
Hello, are the autographed book sets still available? Also, I would like to echo the sentiments from an audience member at one of the discussions.
Mr. Hill, thank you for your service. You really did all you could do.
Yes, we have sets available – Mrs. Kennedy and Me only available in paperback. Total $90.
Hello Mr. Clark, I saw interview on YouTube & was captivated by your story. I will be sending book package order soon.
Best Regards & With Mucho Admiration ????
Debbie A. Story
to Mr Hill from a Norwegian
1 – why did not the secret service man in the front seat cover Kennedy after the first shot?
2 – Abraham Boldwin,(nor sure about this spelling), – but the first black man i the secret service, said he heard his colleges in the secret service said over and over again that they “will never take a bullit for Kennedy” and that himself was called “Nigger” from the same people. My source for the latter was Mark Lane.
I have written about question one in my books Five Presidents and Five Days in November in detail. Regarding number 2, I never heard such a thing. Abraham Bolden was only on the detail for 30 days temporary assignment. He was later convicted of several crimes and spent time in prison.
Are these books still available?
Hi John
yes we have a few left. Only paperback Mrs. Kennedy, but hardcovers of the other two. Total cost including shipping is $90.
Reserve 3 for me. I will mail a check tomorrow. I was in DC during the Camelot years as a a young college student. I was at Arlington Cemetery November 11th, 1963 when President Kennedy laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown. I, also, fondly remember seeing the Kennedy children playing on the WH lawn. What a magical time to be alive and part of history. Thank you.
Books arrived today, and I look forward to reading them. Thank you, John Ogden
Mr. Hill, I have finished reading your books and especially enjoyed the Kennedy years. In my early DC days I lived in the Camelot era and fondly remember the Kennedy family. Thank you for recording your view of history; it was enjoyable albeit some of it tragic and hard to remember. They were momentous days, and I enjoyed seeing and being a part of a history footnote. John Ogden
Hello, Mr. Hill – I have written you personally before and you were so gracious to reply. You are my hero. Are these personally-autographed books still available for purchase if I send a check to California tomorrow? I hope you are feeling well. You are always in our prayers. — Jim Torbik, Kingston PA
Yes, books are still available. Please note that due to our travel schedule, processing time may be 2 – 4 weeks.
Thank you, sir. I will have the check in tomorrow’s mail. Please reserve. Best wishes, Jim
Hi Mr. Hill – I wrote to you earlier today. Are there any sets of your 3-book autographed set left? I want at least one perhaps two sets at $90 each, correct? Pl ease let me know. You are a true American hero!
— Jim Torbik, Kingston Pa
Yes, we still have a few left. Please note that due to our upcoming travel schedule, books may not be processed for 2-4 weeks.
I will be ordering 2 sets with check in mail tomorrow. Please reserve, Mr. Hill. Thank you, sir. Be safe in your travels. — Regards, Jim
Mr Hill-
Please tell me Reno is on your upcoming travel schedule…. (wishful thinking on my part.)
I would love to meet you and Lisa if you do ever come over the hill this way.
Best wishes to you & safe travels.
Sorry, no Reno visits planned as of this time.
Mr. Hill – Returned from NYC today and received my two sets autographed by both Ms. McCubbin and yourself. Just beautiful … have already previously read one about Mrs. Kennedy and other about Dallas but wanted autographed copies and now I have them. I have yet to read the one including other Presidents, can’t wait starting tonight. Again thank you for your distinguished service and thank you for your kindness and courtesy!
Mr. Hill,
I already have your books. Is there any way to send them to you to have them signed? If that’s not possible, could I possible obtain book plates for them? I have all of your books, multiple copies of some of them. I met you several times while you were living in Alexandria. My wife’s Aunt was Agnes (mentioned in Five Presidents, day Gov Wallace was shot).
Thank you in advance.
Hi Timothy
You may ship your books and I will sign them. But that becomes quite costly with shipping back and forth. Happy to send book plates at no charge. If you want to ship the books, please send to:
Clint Hill
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Include return packaging and postage.
Dear Mr. Hill
You are a national treasure and are so appreciated by those of us who were children during that period of our nation’s history. I wanted to say how very, very happy I am that you were finally able to accept that YOU did everything humanly possible to save our beloved President and First Lady that horrible day.
To us you were a hero that day and every day since. Approaching my 60th birthday, and like you, there has not been a day of my life since Nov. 1963 that I haven’t thought of that day when we lost our innocence. You, Mr. Hill, have always been the one bright thought from that dark, dark day.
I cannot tell you enough how grateful I am that you were finally able to make peace with yourself enough to put those fabulous memories to print. May God bless you with many, many more years of joy and laughter.
Good day,
Is this offer still available?
Can I still purchase personalized autographed copies of Mr. Hill’s books (set of 3)?
Thank you,
Hi Ginger
Yes, we have a limited number left.
Is this offer still available?
yes, we have a limited number left.
Are there any sets available still? I know I’m late to the party, but I would still like to take advantage of this offer. Thanks.
Yes, we have a limited number left.
Will mr hill be doing any book signings in person in California ?
Can I get him to sign a book still ?
Hi John
Mr. Hill does not have any scheduled appearances beyond Phoenix/Tempe Arizona this coming Wednesday. We have completed our book tour.
We can send you book plates for your books at $5.00 each or you may order signed books from the website.
I was wondering if it was at all possible since I already own these books to send my copies of “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”, “Five Days in November”, and “The Kennedy Detailed” to be signed by you and Mrs. McCubbin? Even just having one of my books signed would mean the world to me! Thank you.
Mr. Hill,
I already own “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”, “Five Days in November”, and “The Kennedy Detail” that you wrote the forward for. I was wondering if would at all be possible for me to send my copies to you to be signed by yourself and Mrs. McCubbin? Even having just one of my books signed by you would mean the world to me! Thank you.
Hi Mr. Hill,
Sorry if this is posting multiple times:
I already own “Mrs. Kennedy and Me”, “Five Days in November”, and “The Kennedy Detail” that you wrote the forward for. I was wondering if it was at all possible to send you these to be signed by yourself and Mrs. McCubbin? Even just having one of my books signed by you would mean the world to me! Thank you so much!
Hi Jessika
You may send your books to:
Clint Hill
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Please be sure to include return packaging with pre-paid postage. Or, we can send you signed book plates to stick into your books. Best to send email to Lisa directly with instructions. Thanks!
Thank you so much!
Is this autographed package still available? Thanks
Yes. Only a few hardcover Five Presidents left in stock. First come first served.
How can I order and pay today.? Your story is amazing..
Hello Clint,
Are your books still available?
Five Presidents: …
Five Days in November
Mrs. Kennedy and Me
I would like to send in an order but just wanted to check on availability first.
Thank you for your service, Sir.
R. Ross
WE have a very limited supply on hand. You may send a check and we will process if we have the books. Otherwise we will not cash your check and notify you of the situation. Thanks!
I would like to get the 3 book autographed set for my husband Police Chief Alan DeNaro who Will soon be retiring after 43 years in law enforcement. Is there a set left? Is there a way to pay online or do I send a check?
Hi Carol
We have a very limited supply and will process in the order in which we receive payment. We are working on getting Paypal but right now check is the only option. Thanks!
Is the set still available and how much for everything? Do you do PayPal? Thank you sir for your service.
I would like to purchase a copy of Five Presidents for my husband. Is this possible?
Sorry for the delay in responding. We do not have an assistant and this has been a bit overwhelming. Details have been updated on
Sorry for the confusion. Are they still available as a set with two paperbacks and Five Presidents in hardcopy? I would, indeed, like to purchase a set for my husband, a DOJ retiree.
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Hi Nova We have a very limited supply on hand. You may send a check and instructions and we will process the orders on a first come first served basis. We have Five Presidents and Five Days in November in hardcover and Mrs. Kennedy in paperback. thanks!
Do ypu still have the autographed sets available? It would be awesome to have, signed by a person who was part of our countries history.
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Hi, I followed a Link in a Facebook post that Mike Rowe posted of his meeting with you and I am glad I did. I was Curious during your time with The First Lady do you recall a Mini Rhea Sells She was Mrs. Kennedy’s Dress Designer at that time, and went on to become an author as well. I met And cared for her a long time back was just curious. I am Interested in reading your works and would like to know which book should I begin With? Thank you and Have a Blessed Day
Hi Belinda
So sorry for the delay in responding. Mr. Hill doesn’t recall Ms. Sells. If you are interested in Mrs. Kennedy, we would suggest starting with Mrs. Kennedy and Me.
Please save one of the books for me! Is it only the Five Presidents book available? How much for an inscribed version of that book? I would buy the set if you still had it…
WE have a very limited supply of the entire set. You may send a check for $90.00 and we will process on a first come first served basis. Thanks!
Aloha, are these autographed sets able to be sent to Honolulu Hawaii?
If so I’ll place my order!
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Yes, we can send to Hawaii. All books are on first come first served basis.
I would like 3 copies of your book if possible. I believe you worked with my husband’s grandfather Gordon Wells. I will send a check today. How much for all 3 (if available). Thank you! Juli Lorton.
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Details on the website. $90.00. Thanks!
Thank you! I sent 2 separate checks in case you can only fulfill one of the requests. I only ordered 2 since they are in short supply. I love how a drink at a bar created renewed interested and a rush on your books. Thank you for your service.
Is the autographed package still available?
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Mr. Hill,
I’ve not seen my request for ordering instructions for the set of books. Are thy available?
Yes, but the hardcovers are going fast. We are working on getting another printing. Please send a check for $90 per instructions on website and we will get you the books if they are available. Your check will not be cashed unless we send the books!
Hi Mr Hill, Will you keep the check and deliver the hard back books when they are re-stocked or do we need to wait for that announcement first?
Thank You- looking forward to reading your stories!
We will not cash any checks until books are signed and sent. Note that only Five Presidents is being reprinted in hardcover. Five Days in November in very limited quantities. We will adjust the price for paperbacks accordingly when we run out of hardcovers. Bear with us. We do not have any assistants. It is just Lisa McCubbin and Clint Hill handling all this.
How much is it to purchase just one of the autographed books? Are any of the books available in hardback? Will he write a message in the book as well if requested? Thanks.
Right now we are only selling the books as a package. Hardcovers are currently out of stock so we are working on getting another printing. We will update as soon as we have more information.
Enjoyed all three of your books .Heard your interviews on FargoND,radio station.Kennedy Detail,than Mrs Kennedy and Me.The Five Presidents, would like your signed name plates….3 Please.
Hi Elizabeth
We offer book plates at $5.00 each. Please send a check and information about which book plates you would like to:
Hill McCubbin LLC
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Any word yet on when hardcovers will be back in stock? Also, you mentioned (2 years ago) that you were working on a PayPal button to purchase the sets. Is that a possibility yet?
I am interested in the 3 book hardcover signed set. Are they still available? I have read you are trying to get another printing. If that happens will there be a waiting list and will we be notified? Thank you!!
Books should be available around March 18. Best to follow instructions on the website until we have a Paypal option. All orders are first come first served.Thank you.
Hello Mr. Hill,
Is this autographed set of books still available for purchase?
Thank you!
Very interesting
Would like copy of book “Five Presidents”
The 3-book autographed collectible set is now available to purchase on
For Five Presidents only, please order through the link on the sidebar from
Hello, I’m interested in purchasing all 3 books (autographed) as gifts for my brother…are they still available? And at what price exactly? I’m seeing $85 and $90 pricing. Thank you so much…
Hi Lisa — books are available at $85.00 for the set and we now have the ability to process with credit cards. Click on that link or go to the website and give it a try!
Hello Clint,
I really enjoyed Five Presidents. I haven’t read your other two books yet but I plan to. Just wondering if you had any plans for a book maybe more in depth on your years working with LBJ? Thanks. It would be nice to meet you someday if you’re ever in Michigan.
Clint, I really enjoyed your first 2 books. I am looking forward to reading
The third. ….you are a true national hero.
Dear Mr. Hill – First and foremost, thank you for your service to this country. I just finished reading Mrs. Kennedy and Me and it renewed my admiration of you. I was born in the spring of 1964, so all my knowledge of the Kennedy presidency and assignation has come from reading everything I could get my eyes on for the past 50+ years. I had always hoped that you were the kind of man that I imagined you to be, but reading these stories told in your own words has made me realize you were even more. It’s no coincidence that you were chosen to assume the roles you were assigned…..I doubt a lesser man could have survived all you’ve endured. Thank you for sharing your stories in such a manner that we felt as though we were there alongside you. I hope if you’re ever in Indiana again that I have a chance to meet you in person. Godspeed Mr. Hill
Can we still get the book plates? And if so how do I do that?
Set of 3 bookplates — a unique one for each book– is available for $15.00. Please send check payable to Hill McCubbin LLC.
Hill McCubbin LLC
6 Beach Road #99
Tiburon, CA 94920
Note if you want your name inscribed on the book plate or autographs only.
Mr Hill – Thank you for your service. I have just found that you were offering these books tonight for sale – and autographed. I was preparing to order a set and saw they had sold out and there was a date of 2/4/20. You no longer have any hardback books? Is this correct?
If not, only paperback books and you personalize and sign them, correct? And this paperback trio is $75 ?
I would love to have the hardback even if I had to pay more. Any chance you will have additional ones printed and if so when?
My dad was was heavily involved in politics when President Kennedy was running for office and he was a delegate to Kennedy convention in 1960. I have several letters from then Senator and later President Kennedy addressed to my father. I met him several times myself, before he was President. An awesome experience.
Our country suffered a great loss on that day.
Thank you for any information as I would love to get these books ordered. Just confused.
Hi Kathi
Unfortunately, we have sold out of hardcovers in all titles. The publisher is no longer printing hardcovers. The autographed paperback trio is $75.00. Mr. Hill will personalize the books however you like. Hope this answers your questions.
Thank you for your quick response. I read later on one of the remarks we can pay for and receive “plates” (not sure what this. I’m assuming a piece of paper) that is personalized. Can you give us information on this and if they are still available. Thank you.
We have book plates (stickers) for each of our three books. We can personalize with a name (no room for other sentiments) and autograph them. $5.00 for each one.You need to let us know which books you want the book plates for. Send a check to: Hill McCubbin LLC, 6 Beach Road #99, Tiburon, CA 94920.
It might help if you send an email requesting your reasons for wanting hardcover editions of our books to our publisher, Jennifer Bergstrom. We have made the request, but if she hears from a lot of readers, that could make it happen. Her email is
On the homepage you click a link to “learn more” about autographed books. Scroll down the page and it says $70 for all three books and it includes shipping. But when I placed the order it was $75 for books plus shipping so it was almost $80. Please fix incorrect price and wording on that page or refund me the difference. Thank you.
HI Tami…thank you for pointing this out. We are correcting it. We had to suddenly change the pricing because we ran out of hardcover books and had to adjust for paperbacks. We apologize for the confusion and any inconvenience. Thanks again for bringing it to our attention.